MuscleTech® x Ice Shaker Q&A with Chris Gronkowski

MuscleTech® x Ice Shaker Q&A with Chris Gronkowski

We caught up with Chris Gronkowski, CEO and inventor of the Ice Shaker, to discuss the team’s recent launch into Ice Shaker gallon and half gallon jugs, his family’s involvement with the brand, and the road ahead.

Why launch Ice Shaker jugs? Walk us through what sparked this idea.

My Brother Rob reached out after a day of pro football training in Tampa and said he need a larger bottle.  When you are running in the heat, you quickly go through 26oz or 36oz of water and he needed to stay hydrated.  We decided that day that we needed a larger bottle that could be used for athletes to keep them hydrated the entire day.

Take us behind some of the science behind what keeps Ice Shakers so cold after so many hours?

All of the Ice Shaker bottles are made of a kitchen grade stainless steel.  There are two layers of steel and then it goes through a process where the air between the two layers of steel is vacuumed out and sealed.  This vacuum doesn’t allow for cold or heat to transfer between the two layers of steel resulting in the bottles keeping your drinks cold for a very long time. 

You set out to create the ultimate shaker cup with your original Ice Shaker, what sets the gallon and half-gallon jugs apart from others on the market?

I wanted a jug that I could use, but at the same time my 3 year old son could also bring it to baseball practice and use it as well.  With most jugs, they either have a chug cap on it, in which my 3 year old would never be able to lift it up and drink from it as it’s too heavy.  Some of the jugs do have a built in straw which is great for the kids, but not idea if you want to chug or pour from the jug.  The Ice Shaker has booth lids built in.  You can twist the Ice Shaker Straw lid right off and pour or chug from the bottle.

I expect that the bottles have some weight to them, do you ever sneak a quick workout in with the Ice Shaker jugs?

The jugs are very sturdy and have a solid metal handle on them as well.  This allows for a quick bicep workout no matter where you are. 

How are the larger jug bottles best used and what do you normally keep in your bottle?

For me, the larger jugs are always filled with water. They are great for long weekends at the ballpark, road trips, boating or just for a full day at work.  

As you look to the future of Ice Shaker, what excites you the most?

We have so many awesome partnerships on the way.  I am excited to release an officially licensed US ARMY Digital Camo bottle in the summer along with a few other partnerships that will bring some noise. 

How does athlete feedback feed what you do?

As an athlete myself, you have to take care of your most precious resource – your body.  Staying hydrated is key, and supplementing your body with the right nutrition will help get you to the next level.  We love getting feedback from athletes and all of our customers and we use that feedback to make our newest and best products.

What’s more intimidating — bringing a new product to market, or taking on the Sharks?

Taking on the Sharks was no easy task but bringing a new product to market is always a challenge.  It’s a very time-consuming process and you have to get it right or you’re going to be out a lot of time and money.   

How important has it been to have your family all involved, not just with Ice Shaker, but with a bevy of other sports related ventures that make it easier to cross-sell and create awareness with new audiences?

The Gronkowski family is all about sports, fitness, and having fun.   Having my family involved helped accelerate the business with the awareness that was already surrounding sports and fitness.  My Dad has been selling fitness equipment for over 30 years, I grew up delivery treadmills and weight stacks and now got to benefit from all the amazing relationships he built in the space for years.

For anyone who wants an Ice Shaker, what’s the best way to get their hands on one?

If you are looking for the newest and most selections then head to  We also have the ability to personalize the bottles on our website with names, logos, sayings or anything else you might like on the bottles. 

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