Glutamine Benefits

Glutamine Benefits for Bodybuilders - A Complete Account

Explore the key benefits of glutamine for bodybuilders: enhanced recovery, immune support, and muscle growth. A comprehensive guide for optimal performance.

Glutamine has garnered attention for its potential benefits in the realm of bodybuilding. As every nutrient and supplement is scrutinized for its potential to enhance performance and augment muscle growth, it is important to know the details of the supplement that you select.

As an amino acid abundant in the human body, Glutamine plays a pivotal role in various physiological processes crucial for bodybuilders aiming to expedite recovery and enhance overall athletic performance.

In this blog, we will explore the overall benefits of Glutamine for bodybuilders, exploring its impact on muscle development, recovery, immune function, and overall athletic performance. 

Understanding Glutamine - An Overview

Typically post workout, as the blood flow increases the protein requirement for muscles increases too. Amino acids not only help in improvement in the strength and endurance but also help in energy production and recovery of muscles. Amino acids are divided into three categories depending on the body’s ability to synthesize them internally.

Essential Amino Acids cannot be made by the body. As a result, they must come from food. Non- Essential Amino Acids because your body can produce these Amino Acids on its own and it; therefore, it isn't necessary to get them from your diet.

"Non- Essential" doesn't mean that your body produces all that you need, and some Athletes may require additional nonessential amino acids to meet their increased need.

Some nonessential amino acids are classified as conditional. This means they’re only considered essential when you’re ill or stressed.

Glutamine, categorized as a non-essential amino acid, is produced within the body and is found in high concentrations in muscles. It serves as a primary building block for protein synthesis, a fundamental process in muscle growth and repair(1). Dietary sources of Glutamine include:

  1. Eggs
  2. Tofu
  3. Milk
  4. Bone broth
  5. Grass-fed beef
  6. Spirulina
  7. Chinese cabbage
  8. Cottage cheese
  9. Asparagus
  10. Broccoli rabe
  11. Wild-caught fish (cod and salmon)
  12. Venison
  13. Turkey
  14. Corn
  15. Rice

The combination of internal body production and supplemental intake ensures a constant supply of Glutamine for the body.

Also Read: Creatine - Unleashing Power, Performance, and Safety

Glutamine makes up over 20% of the amino acids in your body and helps with many things like making energy when you work out. After a tough workout, your muscles can lose up to half of their glutamine. That's why we created Platinum 100% Glutamine, to help put back the glutamine you lose when you exercise hard.

Role of Glutamine in Muscle Growth

Glutamines' role in muscle protein synthesis is critical for bodybuilders. Building and repairing of muscles is carried out by protein synthesis. Glutamine provides nitrogen molecules necessary for muscle protein creation.(2)

Moreover, muscle growth promotion has been linked to Glutamine’s signaling pathway influence due to its anabolic effects. Research in animals has demonstrated that glutamine supplementation increases muscle hypertrophy and is underpinned by an increase in mTOR signaling (See- ). In humans, increased growth hormone secretion by elevated Glutamine levels has been shown to underpin increases in muscle power, strength, and lean muscle development (2).

The osmotic properties of Glutamine also play a role in muscle cell hydration. The connection between cell volume and muscle growth highlights the varied nature of Glutamine's impact on the anabolic processes within the body. (3) 

Role of Glutamine in Recovery

Common challenges faced by bodybuilders post intense workout are not limited to muscle soreness and fatigue. Strenuous training over longer periods have been shown to decrease blood Glutamine levels, making it important to supplement in the post workout nutrition plan.

Glutamine supplementation not only helps in muscle soreness reduction but also allows athletes to recover faster and resume training at optimal levels. Its anti-inflammatory properties boost your strength and help repair your skeletal muscles. (4)

After intense exercise, glycogen stores in muscles are depleted. Glutamine aids in the synthesis of glycogen facilitating a faster recovery of energy stores and minimizing the downtime between training sessions.(5)

In addition, Glutamine has been investigated for its role in reducing stress induced by exercise. Cortisol, a stress hormone, has been seen to increase during intense physical activity. Glutamine has demonstrated to have the potential to regulate cortisol levels, contributing to a more balanced hormonal environment that helps recovery. (6)

Also Read: 11 Best Types of Protein Powders

Role of Glutamine in Immune System Support:

Glutamine plays a crucial role in supporting immune function by serving as a fuel source for immune cells, particularly lymphocytes and macrophages, enabling them to function optimally.

Since intense training impacts the immune system in general, bodybuilders may be more susceptible for illness. Its why Glutamine supplementation is not only common for bodybuilders in the bodybuilding industry, but in nearly every athletic pursuit these days.(7) 

Practical Applications and Dosage of Glutamine

To maximize the benefits of incorporating Glutamine, it is essential to understand its practical aspects. Glutamine 100% is designed to give you 5g per serving that is recommended post workout (once or twice daily) to achieve optimal results.

Combining Glutamine with other supplements is a way to enhance overall effectiveness of a supplement regimen. Care should be taken to ensure the combination aligns with individual fitness goals and health considerations. 

You can read this complete guide to workout supplements to know more about them. 

Over to You

In conclusion, Glutamine has emerged as a versatile and indispensable ally in the path to peak physical performance. Not only does it impact muscle growth and recovery but also supports immune function and athletic prowess.  

As bodybuilders and athletes pushing the boundaries of physical capabilities, Glutamine inclusion provides a strategic advantage in their nutritional arsenal. 



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