MassTech vs. NitroTech

MassTech vs. NitroTech - What's Right For Me?

Find out which of these two supplements is right for you based on your fitness goals. Our team details it out. 

Protein is one of the most critical factors for building muscle and recovering from training. (1) After a tough training session, it provides the amino acids you need for muscle repair and growth. (1)

Your muscles undergo micro-tearing as you train, weakening them in the short term. Providing ample protein and calories helps to repair this muscle damage so they can grow and become stronger.

Mass-Tech and Nitro-Tech are both protein supplements that can help you achieve your muscle development and fitness goals, but they serve different purposes.

Mass-Tech is a lean mass gainer tailored for people looking to gain weight and muscle mass more rapidly via a higher-calorie and protein-dense formula.

Conversely, Nitro-tech provides a leaner protein option with fewer calories, making it more suitable for people focused on muscle recovery who may be more relaxed with weight gain or looking to supplement their current calorie intake.

Each supplement can be a powerful tool in your supplement stack and support your dietary needs. But knowing which one to add to your regimen will help you customize your approach to supplements and help you meet your specific needs based on your goals.

This article will explore the differences between the two supplements and explain how they can quickly help you achieve your fitness goals. 

What Are Mass-Tech and Nitro-Tech?


Mass-Tech Lean Mass Gainer is an excellent supplement for weight gain while minimizing excess fat gain. Inside each serving, you'll find 1,370 calories, providing a sizeable boost in energy to create a calorie surplus.

It also includes 50g of high-quality protein, including whey concentrate, isolate, and hydrolyzed whey for rapid absorption to support muscle growth and recovery.

Additionally, it contains 280 grams of carbohydrates to supplement glycogen stores in the muscle and fuel your workouts. It contains 5 grams of HPLC-tested creatine and a complete amino acid profile for comprehensive muscle support. 


Nitro-Tech is a powerful protein formula designed for muscle growth and recovery. Each serving contains 30 grams of protein to ensure you receive the amino acids necessary after training.

Nitro-Tech also contains 3 grams of creatine to help replenish muscle creatine stores for energy production and 6.6 grams of Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) to further promote rapid recovery and muscle mass gains.

The amino acid profile of Nitro-Tech contains 3.2 grams of Leucine and 5 grams of glutamine and its precursor. Both have been shown to support protein synthesis, which is the process of muscle growth and recovery. 

What Are The Similarities Between Mass-Tech & Nitro-Tech?

Both Mass-Tech and Nitro-Tech are formulated to optimize muscle growth, recovery, and performance. As such, either one could be beneficial to you if you are in search of a high-quality protein supplement. To decide which one is best for you, however, we'll start with what each one has in common.

1. Protein Blend

Both supplements contain a blend of whey protein concentrate, whey isolate, and hydrolyzed whey protein. All of these provide essential amino acids for muscle growth at varying absorption speeds. (2)

With whey protein isolate and hydrolyzed whey making up a large portion of the protein profile, you can rest assured that each of them provides a comprehensive amino acid profile to facilitate muscle protein synthesis. 

2. Creatine Content

Creatine is one of the most potent substances to enhance muscle growth and strength. (3) It provides additional substrates within the muscle tissue for enhanced adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generation. (3)

This gives you more energy to use in training to lift with higher intensities for longer. (3) Both Mass-Tech and Nitro-Tech contain creatine in addition to their protein content. 

3. BCAAs

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are crucial for muscle growth as they play a large part in protein synthesis. (1) Leucine, one of the BCAAs, is an important regulator of protein synthesis, and consuming enough of it will begin the process. (1) Both Mass-Tech and Nitro-Tech contain BCAAs to help provide additional support for muscle growth and recovery. 

4. Higher Protein Amounts

Most protein supplements today contain around 24g of protein per serving. However, both Mass-Tech and Nitro-Tech offer more than this average, with Mass-Tech containing 50g and Nitro-Tech containing 30g of high-quality protein. This helps you hit your protein targets and fuel your muscles for recovery. 

5. Glutamine for Recovery

Mass-Tech and Nitro-Tech each contain glutamine to help support your training efforts. Glutamine is another amino acid and is the most abundant in the human body. (4)

It plays important roles in muscle protein and glycogen synthesis and helps to support the immune system, which is typically important with high-intensity training. (4

What Are The Differences Between Mass-Tech & Nitro-Tech?

Differentiating Mass-Tech

Mass-Tech is specifically engineered as a lean weight-gaining supplement and, therefore, caters to those who are looking to bulk up and increase their muscle mass. It has a significantly higher calorie content than Nitro-Tech, at 1,370 calories, which can provide a substantial amount of calories in one sitting. This helps to ensure you create a calorie surplus to gain muscle mass.

Mass-Tech also has a significantly higher protein and carbohydrate content than Nitro-Tech to assist in weight gain efforts, with 50g and 280g, respectively. This ensures that you receive a balanced macronutrient profile to fuel training and muscle replenishment post-training.

Lastly, although both supplements contain creatine, Mass-Tech has slightly more creatine to provide ample substrates for weight gain and performance. 

Differentiating NitroTech

In contrast to Mass-Tech's weight gain design, Nitro-Tech is primarily designed as a muscle-building and training recovery supplement. It is focused on providing individuals with lean muscle development with a high protein serving but fewer calories, at only 160 calories per serving.

Nitro-Tech offers 30g of protein and 3g of creatine to deliver a concentrated protein resource without the additional carbohydrates and fat that Mass-Tech provides. This makes Nitro-Tech more suitable for those who want to fuel their muscles post-training but avoid additional or unnecessary weight gain. 

Which One Is Right For You?

You should consider a few factors when determining whether Mass-Tech or Nitro-Tech is the right choice for you and your goals.

If your goal is to increase your body weight and you need to find a way to replace a meal with a high-calorie shake or add additional calories to your diet, then Mass-Tech is for you.

It has enough calories to make it suitable for those with sporadic eating times or who struggle to consume enough calories. However, it has a leaner formula relative to other mass gainers, with close to 2000 calories.

On the other hand, if you want to prioritize your post-workout nutrition with fast-absorbing, high-quality protein and creatine, Nitro-Tech is your best bet. You may also choose Nitro-Tech if you want a high-protein protein powder that can be taken on the go as a between-meal snack, as it is only 160 calories.

However, it is important to consider that even though each of these supplements has different primary goals, they aren't mutually exclusive. It is possible to opt for Nitro-Tech as your post-workout supplement and use Mass-Tech as a meal replacement or to add additional calories to your diet.

Ultimately, the decision to use either Mass-Tech, Nitro-Tech, or both comes down to your goals and where you need the most help in your diet. If your nutrition needs supplementing, either of these protein supplements can do the job. 

FAQ on MassTech vs NitroTech

When should I take Mass-tech or Nitro-Tech?

When you take either of these supplements depends on your personal preferences and fitness goals. However, since Mass-Tech is a mass-gaining formula with a slightly higher fat content, it is best to take it outside of an hour pre- or post-training to allow for full digestion.

Conversely, Nitro-Tech is best used as a post-workout supplement to provide your muscles with the nutrients needed to kickstart recovery. However, it can also be used as a mid-day snack or in a breakfast smoothie for an additional serving of protein throughout the day. 

How much protein do I actually need per day?

Your individual protein needs will depend on your goals, body size, activity level, training style, and gender. For those engaged in higher-intensity activities such as weightlifting or bodybuilding, a widely accepted range is between 1.4 and 3.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. (1)

The lower end targets more recreational gym-goers, and the higher end targets competitive athletes. This means that a person who is 200lbs should aim to consume between 128g and 272g of protein per day. 

Do I need to load Creatine If I take Mass-Tech?

Loading creatine for 5-7 days is best to allow for complete muscle saturation and reap all its benefits. This requires 20-25g of creatine daily during the loading window. (3)

After this period, though, a maintenance dose of 5g per day will keep creatine stores topped off. (3) Thus, you will need additional creatine sources to load the creatine. However, during the maintenance phase, Mass-Tech contains all of the creatine you will need to keep your muscles saturated. 

Can I take these supplements on rest days?

Yes, you can! Despite lowered calorie and protein demands on days you are not training, taking a protein or weight gain supplement even on rest days is a good idea to ensure you reach your calorie and protein requirements.

Doing so provides your body with the nutrients it needs to recover from the previous day's training and build new lean muscle mass. 

Wrapping Up On MassTech vs NitroTech

When it comes to choosing between Mass-Tech and Nitro-Tech, the right decision will come down to what you are looking for in a supplement. Both products offer some similar benefits, from high protein to creatine content, but they differ in their calorie and macronutrient profiles.

The ideal choice starts with analyzing your goals and using this article as a guide to make an informed decision. You may need the calories of Mass-Tech to pack on pounds, or you may want to keep things lean and optimize your post-workout window.

Regardless, you now have everything you need to make an informed choice. So, click the links above and pick up the protein supplement you need to crush your fitness goals! 


  1.  Jäger, R., Kerksick, C. M., Campbell, B. I., Cribb, P. J., Wells, S. D., Skwiat, T. M., Purpura, M., Ziegenfuss, T. N., Ferrando, A. A., Arent, S. M., Smith-Ryan, A. E., Stout, J. R., Arciero, P. J., Ormsbee, M. J., Taylor, L. W., Wilborn, C. D., Kalman, D. S., Kreider, R. B., Willoughby, D. S., Hoffman, J. R., … Antonio, J. (2017). International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: protein and exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 14, 20.  
  2. Manninen A. H. (2009). Protein hydrolysates in sports nutrition. Nutrition & metabolism, 6, 38. 
  3. Buford, T. W., Kreider, R. B., Stout, J. R., Greenwood, M., Campbell, B., Spano, M., Ziegenfuss, T., Lopez, H., Landis, J., & Antonio, J. (2007). International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: creatine supplementation and exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 4, 6. 
  4. Coqueiro, A. Y., Rogero, M. M., & Tirapegui, J. (2019). Glutamine as an Anti-Fatigue Amino Acid in Sports Nutrition. Nutrients, 11(4), 863.